If you're having trouble with the joystick in Shadows of Cairn, you can try the following: Edit CAIRN.INI. This file will be found in your Windows directory if you are running the Windows version or in your DOSEXE directory (by default C:\CAIRN\DOSEXE) if you're running the DOS version. In this file add the following line(s): JoyPctX=xxx where xxx is a number between 1 and 100. JoyPctY=yyy where yyy is a number between 1 and 100. As you've probably guessed JoyPctX is used for the left and right joystick positions and JoyPctY is used for the up and down positions. Make sure to add the line under the "[Shadows of Cairn]" label in the Windows INI file. The default value for this parameter is 50(%) which means take the centered position of the joystick and add or subtract 50% of that value to get the values for the left and right (or top and bottom) positions. If Quinn is not moving when you move the joystick to the left or right, reduce this value (try 40 or 30). If Quinn is always moving even when the joystick is centered, increase this value (try 60 or 70).